On January 1, 2011 California began using the 2010 international building, plumbing, mechanical and residential codes. Prior to that date, California used the 2007 international codes. As a result, hundreds of changes came into effect which governs both current and future construction reviews. Over the next few months we will introduce you to what we see are the most important of those changes and as always we are here to assist you with any questions. Here is the first batch of code changes:
Residential Code
Residential fire sprinklers are now required in all new residential construction (Sect. R313.2).
Residential sprinklers are not required in detached garages (with 6’ wall to wall separation), or carports which do not have occupied space above. Additions of 1000 square feet, or over 1/2 the existing structure, trigger sprinklers (Cal-Fire).
Carbon Monoxide alarms are required in new dwelling units in addition to smoke alarms (Sect. R315)
Guards (guardrails) for all residential dwilling units (inside and outside) are required to be 42 inches in height. Fall Height is measured vertically to the floor or grade below at any point within 36 inces horizontally to the edge of the open side measured 36 inches out from the edge (Sect. R312.2).
Mechanical Code
Crawl space access under ducts shall be maintained with a minimum 18 inch vertical clearance (CMC 604.1)
Plumbing Code
Dielectric unions are required on all dissimilar metal piping (CPC Sect. 316.2.4)
Electrical Code
Panel boards shall not be located over stairs (NEC 24.24(F))