Construction Forensics Consulting
Our Business is to Solve Construction Related Problems.
XL services is a multi-phased service company providing specific construction related problem solving solutions based on decades of experience in building inspection supported by old time skills, up-to-date training, and ongoing education.
Since 1993 we have provided litigation support in equal measure to both the plaintiff and defense bar on a variety of issues from the simple window leak to complex construction defects in high rise buildings. We cover the full range: from understanding where to draw the line in the application of ADA regulations, to implementing a plan of reduce the risk of lawsuits due to improper disabled access. We crawl under buildings and climb on top of roofs. We poke inside walls as well as search building department records. All that and more in the effort to bring logical, economical and timely solutions to the issues at hand.
Our firm continues to perform onsite construction inspection services as owner or contractor representatives, from a house in the Hollywood Hills to a 120 unit multi-story apartment building. Be it new construction, repair, restoration, or remodeling we continue to provide construction management and quality control services to those who need and want contemporary solutions with old fashioned craftsmanship. Nothing is too small and nothing is too big. We welcome all who require our services.
What is Construction Forensics?
Using *Black’s Law Dictionary, sixth edition, for definition of “forensic engineering” (see disclaimer) the most commonly accepted definition of construction forensic would be as follows: the application of the principles and practice of construction to the elucidation of questions before courts of law. Practice by legally qualified licensed contractors who are experts in their field by skill, education, training and experience and who have experience in the courts and an understanding of jurisprudence. A construction forensic consultant engagement may require investigations, studies, evaluations, advice to counsels, reports, advisory opinions, depositions and/or testimony to assist in the resolution of disputes relating to property, casualty, and liability related cases before courts, or other lawful tribunals.
Difference Between Consultant, Expert, and Expert Witness:
The definition of consultant is closely related to the term “advise”.
*Black’s Law Dictionary, sixth edition, defines advise as: “to give an opinion or counsel, or recommend a plan or course of action; also to give notice. To encourage, inform, or acquaint. It is different in meaning from “instruct” or “persuade.” A consultant may also be someone who provides expert opinion on a subject. *Black’s Law Dictionary, sixth edition, defines expert as: “one who is knowledgeable in a specialized field, that knowledge being obtained from either education or personal experience: *Black’s Law Dictionary, sixth edition, defines expert witness as : “one who by reason of education, or specialized experience possesses superior knowledge respecting a subject about which persons having no particular training are incapable of forming an accurate opinion or deducing correct conclusions”
The term “consultant” is not defined in *Black’s Law Dictionary, sixth edition, however it is closely related to the following terms which that reference does provide, as excerpted below:
- Advise: to give an opinion or counsel, or recommend a plan or course of action; also to give notice. To encourage, inform, or acquaint. It is different in meaning from “instruct” or “persuade.”
- Expert: one who is knowledgeable in a specialized field, that knowledge being obtained from either education or personal experience.
- Expert witness: one who by reason of education, or specialized experience possesses superior knowledge respecting a subject about which persons having no particular training are incapable of forming an accurate opinion or deducing correct conclusions.
As a consulting firm, we fill all of these roles to provide you the necessary answers to resolve your particular issues.
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