From time to time as expert witnesses and consultants XL Services is asked: What are the basic regulations relating to light level (illumination) requirements for public buildings?

Depending on the occupancy, general requirements for light level are found in the California Building Code, Section 1006 – Means of Egress Illumination, Sub-Section 1006.2 Illumination level “The means of egress illumination level shall not be less than 1 foot-candle (11 lux) at the walking surface.”

Further, under The California Building Code Section 1205 – Lighting, Sub-Section 1205.6.1 Lighting Requirements we find regulations for all new construction of open parking facilities, covered parking facilities and primary walkways based on the recommendation of the most current edition of the Illumination Engineering Society Lighting Handbook.

There are various exceptions to these regulations and light level recommendations vary depending on the location.

XL Services conducts full light level testing both daytime and nighttime and Gidon R. Vardi, Ph.D is qualified in court to present such testimony.