The earth has rumbled, your stuff has tumbled off the shelves. Hopefully the walls are not rubble and your dreams have not crumbled. Though your nerves still tremble, you’ve got to get back to your life and business as soon as possible. HOW?

1. SECURE THE BUILDING: Make sure you have no gas leaks. Turn off the gas at the meter. Instructions to do this can be found on the website of your gas company. (This and many other steps can be learned as part of your preparation plan before hand.)

2. WATER — CHECK TO SEE IF THERE ARE ANY LEAKS: If there are, turn off your main water valve. Each house has the valve in a different location. Know where it’s located at your house or building. (You can contact your local water company for assistance ahead of time.)

3. ELECTRIC — CHECK TO SEE IF THERE IS ANY SPARKING OR ARCING. If such a condition exists, turn off the electrical at the main breaker until repairs can be made.

4. SWEEP UP ALL BROKEN GLASS, other objects, liquids, hazardous debris etc.

5. If you have earthquake insurance, CALL YOUR INSURANCE AGENT, followed immediately by CALLING or EMAILING us, XL SERVICES, at 818.735.4757 or

WE WILL assess your location for potential earthquake related damage and will mobilize the necessary team of experts, including structural engineers, geotechnical engineers and cost of repair estimators. This team will work closely with your insurance carrier, if you have one, to help you on the road to recovery.