Condominium Complex Fire
Fire damage inspected by XL Services at this Redmond, Washington condominium complex..
A three bell alarm sounded for the local fire department who rushed to extinguish flames that started as a grease fire in a lower level unit that quickly spread to the upper units affecting all 36 residences in this building. Within hours XL Services was hired to assist the insurance adjuster by composing a detailed scope and cost of repair and continued to assist as project managers and liaison between the general contractor and insurance company throughout the repair until all residents were back in their homes. Our staff has serves as construction claims consultants for insurance adjusters throughout California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Texas, New York and Canada.
Sometimes claims are settled so smoothly. When claims settlements are disputed, Dr. Vardi is often called in to be the insurance umpire arbitrating between the parties in insurance appraisals which resolve the dispute.